Unclouded charm of the flames

20. December 2012

For many people, there is nothing more beautiful than sitting in front of a wood-burning oven and watching the charm of the flames in the winter months. If one believes the statement of some wood-burning oven manufacturers, there are wood-burning ovens with windows that simply no longer require cleaning. Not true! Though there are wood-burning ovens with integrated glass wash. This means that the glass is separated from the combustion air via a guided air flow. While the soiling of the fireplace glass is clearly reduced, one still needs to clean in order to have an unclouded view of the cosy fire. It also depends on whether the wood has sufficiently dried or whether one also burns lignite briquettes; after all, while lignite is efficient fuel, it still gives off a lot of soot. Among others, newspaper may easily be used against minor soiling. But only if the oven is cold. However, these products are not sufficient
for lasting cleaning. And one does not achieve a satisfactory result with just water and washing-up liquid. The fireplace and oven glass cleaner from Caramba helps here with a convincing effect now. It may also be used at cold ovens only. Persistent dirt like soot, grease and oil stains, combustion residues and thermosetting resin is quickly and fully removed. Spray surfaces to be cleaned from a distance of approximately 30 cm. The exposure time is reached after no more than five minutes. Wipe away the released residues by means of a moist cloth and wipe the surface dry by means of kitchen paper. The procedure should be repeated for persistent soiling. In addition, the cleaner is suitable for cleaning glass panes, but also on glass-ceramic cooktops, tiles, glazed tiles, pottery. chromium steel and stainless steel flues. Do not use on warm surfaces, plastic, lacquered surfaces or on zinc, brass and aluminium. Ideally test the base for compatibility prior to use.

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